The Tale of the Leone_

The original Modern Heirloom, created to be worn as a reminder of strength and courage on all your adventures.

When Dante Alighieri finds himself lost in the Dark Wood of the Inferno, he is confronted by a Lion. The Lion is described as so terrifying that even the air around him is trembling with fear. Dante turns his heel, ready to give up…

Quest parea che contra me venesse
con la test'alta e con rabbiosa fame,
si che para che l'aere ne temesse

It seemed as though he was coming towards me,
his head high with a raging hunger,
so much so that even the air seemed to tremble in fear of it.

- Inferno, Canto I, lines 46-49

At this point, a guide appears - Virgil, the Roman poet and one of Dante's heroes. Somehow despair turns into a flicker of courage.

"I created the Leone Medallion as a personal reminder to be strong in a moment of self-doubt. I recovered and restored an old Venetian coin with wax, and wore it as a secret message to myself." - Rosh Mahtani

Il Leone Medallion

24kt Gold Plated


Medium Leone Necklace

24kt Gold Plated


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Baby Lion Cub Necklace

24kt Gold Plated


Il Leone Medallion // Box Chain

24kt Gold Plated


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La Collisione Necklace

Sterling Silver
